Maddison Everist Maddison Everist

Nurturing Resilience in the Nervous System

In the pursuit of mental and emotional well-being, the concept of maintaining a regulated nervous system often takes precedence. However, delving deeper into the intricacies of neurology and psychology, experts are increasingly highlighting the importance of fostering resilience within the nervous system.

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Maddison Everist Maddison Everist

The key to turning your visualisations into reality…

In the realm of neuroscience, a fascinating discovery has emerged: the mind does not inherently differentiate between imagination and reality - what you visualise is perceived as your reality. This revelation carries profound implications for our understanding of human potential, especially when coupled with the principles of hypnotherapy and the workings of the subconscious mind.

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Maddison Everist Maddison Everist

Navigating a Healing Crisis: Embracing Discomfort on the Path to Transformation

Amidst the process of healing, growing, and transforming, you may encounter what’s known as a ‘healing crisis’ – a temporary intensification of symptoms before improvement occurs. Just as physical detoxification can lead to temporary discomfort, emotional and mental detoxification through certain modalities including hypnotherapy can unearth deep-seated issues, causing emotional turbulence or heightened psychological distress. This phase is a natural part of the healing process, signifying that transformation is underway.

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Maddison Everist Maddison Everist

Embrace Change: A Path to Living Your Dream Life

Are you truly living the life of your dreams, or are you trapped in the comfort of familiarity?

It's a question worth pondering, as often, we find ourselves stuck in routines and patterns that feel familiar (safe) but may not align with your deepest desires…

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Maddison Everist Maddison Everist

Harnessing Self-Love Through Subconscious Reprogramming: A Guide to Positive Affirmations and Neuroplasticity

In the realm of subconscious reprogramming, one powerful practice stands out for its transformative potential: the use of positive affirmations. These simple yet profound statements have the ability to reshape your subconscious beliefs and foster a deep sense of self-love and acceptance. Imagine hearing the words you've longed to hear from others, but this time, they come from within. In this blog you will learn how to adopt neuroplasticity practices to cultivate a loving relationship with yourself that lasts.

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Maddison Everist Maddison Everist

How to do more of what lights you up in three simple steps

Do you want to fill your life with the things that light you up but aren’t sure where to start? So often when you are feeling stuck people will suggest to “do more of what you love” or to “follow your passion and the things that light you up” and that all sounds well and good but how on earth do you actually do that?

Let's make this process as simple as possible by breaking it down into three steps.

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